“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”

— Jonathan Swift

Comprehensive Eye Examination


An eye exam often seems like a quick pass or fail test. Early detection, prevention and maintenance are key elements to our detailed eye exams. A comprehensive eye exam can be likened to a physical for the eye because it looks at the entire eye and visual system. Comprehensive eye exams can detect eye diseases and disorders such as glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachments and macular degeneration, as well as other systemic health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

At EYE & CO., we personalize every eye exam to suit your needs.

Adults aged 20 to 64 years should undergo a comprehensive  eye exam every one to two years.

Child Eye Examination


The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends a first eye exam between six to nine months of age. A comprehensive eye exam (different from a vision screening test) for children include:

1) A review of the child's health and vision history.

2) Testing for nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatistm, colour perception, amblyopia, strabismus, eye coordination, depth perception and focusing ability.

3) Overall assessment of ocular health.

Classroom learning is largely visual, so a comprehensive eye examination is essential to provide the full assurance of vision and eye health that a simple eye-chart test or a vision screening cannot.

A comprehensive eye exam looks at all aspects of a child’s vision function, including how well the eyes focus, how the eyes work together and the overall health of the eyes.

20/20 vision alone does not mean perfect eye health!

Infants should undergo their first comprehensive eye exam between the ages of 6 and 9 months.

Children should undergo a comprehensive eye exam every year.

Senior Eye Examination


As most people age, their visual needs change. Complications often arise, and getting expert care from a Doctor of Optometry is critical. Early identification and treatment of conditions that can often have no visible symptoms is key to protecting your sight.

Adults aged 65 or older are at a higher risk for a number of eye conditions and diseases that can threaten your sight, including:

  • Presbyopia

  • Cataracts

  • Diabetic Retinopathy

  • Macular degeneration

  • Glaucoma

  • Low vision

Seniors aged 65 and older should undergo a comprehensive eye exam every year.

Myopia Management


The term myopia management (often used synonymously with myopia control) refers to the prescribing of an intervention to slow down the progression of myopia. Slowing down the progression has short- and long-term impacts. In the short-term, an individual with a lower refractive error will have better uncorrected acuity. In the longer term, slowing down progression may reduce the chance of ocular disease and subsequent vision impairment.

Myopia management starts before the onset of a myopic refractive error, with the assessment of risks and provision of education to patients and parents on ways to mitigate that risk, for example spending more time outside and less time on prolonged near vision. Once an individual demonstrates a myopic refractive error or is deemed at risk of developing myopia, Dr. Wong will discuss the introduction of a myopia management strategy as a consideration.

Contact Lens Examination


To successfully wear contact lenses, Dr. Wong takes the time to discuss to which type of contact lens would best suit your needs. Some things to consider would be vision concerns, occupation, and recreational interests to name a few. All contact lenses prescribed by Dr. Wong are FDA approved in Canada, which is essential for healthy eyes.

Diabetic Eye Examination


With a comprehensive eye exam, vision loss can be prevented! Dr. Wong can diagnose potential vision threatening changes in your eye that may be treated to prevent blindness. However, once damage has occurred, the effects can be irreversible. It is important to monitor, maintain and stabilize your diabetes as much as possible to minimize your risk of developing retinopathy.

A diabetic eye examination is recommended every year.

Dry Eye Evaluation


Dry eyes are a common concern in Alberta’s climate. Dr. Wong will evaluate ocular dryness and will discuss methods to help improve the comfort of your eyes as well as treatment options.

Pre + Post Surgical Care


Dr. Wong provides pre-operative as well as post-operative care for cataract surgery and refractive surgery. She also takes the opportunity to discuss options that would suit your lifestyle and hobbies.

Ocular Emergencies


Alberta Health coverage is available towards your urgent eye care appointment which includes:
• Eye and eyelid inflammation
• Eye injuries
• Foreign objects in the eyes
• Sudden changes in vision
• Monitoring for diabetes issues, glaucoma and retinal disease
• Post-operative care for cataract patients

Dr. Wong has the proper tools and equipment necessary to diagnose, treat, prescribe medications, and refer to a specialist if needed. She also works with other health care providers to ensure you have the best care possible.

Eyewear Consultation


We understand that selecting eyewear can be overwhelming. Our skilled team takes the time to listen to your concerns and priorities. We also help guide and educate you about lens choices as well as proper fitting eye wear. All eye wear at EYE & CO. are hand selected by our team with a purpose and intention.